12 top tips and tricks to lose weight

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12 top tips and tricks to lose weight

  • As 96% of diets fail, what drives us to eat are our feelings and unfortunately diets don’t change our feelings. If you don’t want to struggle and want to find something that works to change those unwanted habits and beliefs. Why not try a fast, effective and very successful way to make these changes – hypnosis.
  • Providing you are healthy you can try intermittent fasting. If you reduce when you eat to a smaller window of 7 or 8 hours, preferably during the middle of the day, you will start to burn stored fat rather than sugar. There are many benefits to eating this way.
  • Chew your food slowly and thoroughly you will feel fuller faster. You will also absorb more nutrients from your food. Eat consciously, without your phone, tv or computer.
  • To increase your weight reduction cut right down or remove from your diet preferably, highly processed carbs. They are not your friend. If you do consume carbs do so with protein which will help to reduce fat storage and don’t eat them after lunch time.
  • Increase your consumption of healthy fats like avocado, olives, olive oil, coconut oil or nuts.
  • Serve your food on smaller plate and reduce the amount of choice of foods on your plate, you will eat less.
  • After you have consumed 3 teaspoons of sugar your body goes into fat storage, a banana for instance has 7 teaspoons of sugar. Cut the sugar out of your diet. Say I am choosing to say no to sweet sugary things.  I love being back in control. I love my body.
  • Eat natural, fresh, healthy food. To help you make the right decisions before buying or eating. Ask yourself..
  • Does it Roam? this can include Eggs.
  • Does it Rot? For instance sugar, biscuits, margarine never rot.
  • Can I Recognise the ingredients? If you can’t they are likely to be additives or chemicals, which are not food.
  • Can I eat it Raw?
  • Visualise yourself as you want to be, the size and shape that you desire, wearing something that you would love to wear. Looking and feeling healthy, confident, happy and amazing and tell yourself how fabulous you look and feel,
  • Every thought you think has a physical reaction. Your body is listening and acts accordingly.  We are often so critical about our bodies.  If you keep saying my thighs are huge, guess what, that is exactly what your body will give you! Praise yourself!
  • A great way to avoid you reaching for those unwanted carbs or junk food when you are in a rush, is to make sure you have some fast healthy food with you. Keep a tin of tuna, olives, an avocado, some raw nuts or seeds to snack on, or to eat for lunch when you are in a rush.