20 tips for healthy weight loss

20 tips for healthy weight loss

  • It may sound obvious – reduce your food intake, if you are overweight you need to reduce your calories.
  • Cut out highly processed carbs, fast foods, soda drinks, pasta, white rice, white bread and sugar which cause rapid spikes in blood glucose and have little nutritional value and increase fat storage.
  • We are eating far more calories than we used to, most empty ones. For instance an extra 300 calories a day, which is equivalent to a couple cans of soda will increase you weight by an extra 2 stone a year.
  • Intermittent fasting is a great way of reducing your food intake and will start to regulate your insulin/glucagon levels and get your body burning fat. There are various forms of IF. One of the easiest is to try it for 3 days a week and consume nothing other than water, herbal tea or black coffee for 16 hours, keeping your food intake to an 8 hour window. This is not about bingeing in your food window!
  • If you are leading a sedentary life style you don’t need 3 meals a day.
  • Eat for health and nutrition only not as an emotional substitute.
  • Drink water instead of any snacking.
  • If you are hungry and have eaten in the last few hours drink filtered water instead of eating.
  • Grazing is not the answer, its flawed science perpetuated by the food industry and media. It is not your friend.
  • If you are not hungry don’t eat.
  • Try cutting wheat (gluten) and dairy out of your diet and see if this helps with weight reduction many people are intolerant to these foods and this can promote weight gain and food cravings.
  • By reducing carbs and increasing good fats and protein it will positively affect insulin/glucagon ratios and aid weight reduction.
  • Stop calling it weight loss and call it weight reduction or slimming. We don’t like to lose anything (apart from weight)and our mind might try and trick us into finding it!
  • If a food or drink says its sugar free this doesn’t mean its ok it will be loaded with sweeteners like aspartame which is highly toxic and can be 200 times sweeter than sugar!
  • Eat consciously at a table without distractions from your phone, computer or tv.
  • Chew your food slowly to aid digestion and help you feel fuller with less food.
  • Replace missing processed carbs with good fats which include olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, eggs, whole nuts.
  • Be more active it will not only help your weight but your brain too.
  • Picture yourself every day the size and shape you want to be looking amazing, healthy, confident, empowered and feeling fantastic.
  • Remember your stomach is the size of your fist, are you eating too much?