
Would you like to learn a simple, powerful technique to take away feelings or thoughts of discomfort, fear, sadness or stress and change your state of mind? Start this technique by rating the negative feeling that you have about this event using a scale of 0-10....

I have been helping my clients to change their drinking habits for about 20 years. In one session you can stop drinking which may seem remarkable when you consider that the success rate for AA and the 12 step programme is 5-7%, costs a...

Keeping healthy is a balance between mind, body and spirit, today we are focusing on the body. Here is some useful information to help guide you when choosing a rainbow of colour for your plate with the help of Prof McWilliams. Green fruits and...

Are you struggling to reduce your food intake? Would you like to let go of some unwanted weight without sacrifice or without feelings of deprival? You may think this is not possible perhaps because you have been fighting a losing battle for many years....

We know our body is made up of over 50 trillion cells and is constantly changing, regrowing, repairing and renewing. In fact 98% of our body is replaced every year. For instance the cells that create our skin are totally renewed every thirty...

At least 1 in 3 people are affected at some time in their lives by IBS. We know symptomology varies widely and can have a debilitating and devastating effect on relationships, family life, work, careers, social life, self-esteem and confidence. Many suggestions...