Future Progression and Future Life Progression is a unique therapy that provides the powerful benefit of experiencing what your future could be like.
What if you were able to find out what decisions will work out in your favour and discover solutions to your present problems? Whether these are career related, relationships or where you are living.
This may sound a little far-fetched but there has been extensive research over the last fifty years into this process by Dr Bruce Goldberg, Helen Wambach, Chet B Snow and Anne Jirsch with some amazing results . By using a combination of hypnosis and powerful visualisation techniques this process can give you a unique and entertaining experience.
If you consider that our mind is the world’s most advanced bio computer that can gain access to several possible scenarios of what our future could hold. This is because your future is not fixed. We have also found that by seeing our future these insights seem to speed up time and events can happen sooner than anticipated.
The new physics teaches us that past, present and future events are happening at the same time and implies that the future influences the present as well as the past. What all the eminent experts can be sure of is that time doesn’t work the way we think it does. As American physicist and Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman admitted in A Life of Science, “It is safe to say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”.
As Paul McKenna says “the experience can be immensely enlightening and everyone benefits. If we all took a little more time to consider our future we would be a lot happier”.