27 Feb Do you feel good enough?
Over the last 25 years working with my amazing clients I have found that quite a few share a common underlying root cause of many issues. One that I shared with them which is their feelings of , not feeling good enough, unworthiness, lack of self belief, imposter syndrome. This unconscious belief can keep on running right through our lives. I have clients into their 80’s running this programme. Unless we change it, it will keep on having a marked effect on so many areas of our lives, our relationships, career, how we feel about ourselves, diminishing us in so many ways, reducing confidence, self-esteem, self-belief, self-worth. This is not something we are born with it is something we acquire, usually in the first seven years of our lives. Usually from peers, parents, family, or teachers, in all innocence. Our critical faculty is not fully developed until the age of about 7, so we are unable to discern what is being said to us or about us or behaviors that lead us to believe we are inferior in some way. Many of my clients are not even aware that they are not allowing themselves to live their lives to their full potential. That job they didn’t put themselves forward for or the girl they didn’t ask out goes back to their feeling of not good enough. It is that little voice saying why bother you will fail, you cannot handle that, you will mess up, don’t speak up and humiliate yourself.
It doesn’t have to be this way, in one session you can let go of all those limiting beliefs that are holding you back, that are stopping you living the life that you deserve and allow you the freedom to be the even more amazing person you were born to be. It may sound hard to believe in just a two hour session you can let go of those unwanted, untrue, unneeded programmes, beliefs, negative self-talk that has held you back or stopped you being the person you always dreamed of. Don’t let it hold you back any longer.