
Have you struggled to let go of those excess pounds? Are you still eating those processed carbs? Have you tried many diets? Do you dislike your body? Are there certain foods you would love to lose the desire for? Would you like to find the root cause of why you...

Prevention is better that cure There are so many simple, easy and very effective ways of keeping your breasts healthy.  As more research becomes available we have gathered together some of these effective methods for you to try . Did you know that drinking five glasses of...

Over the last 25 years working with my amazing clients I have found that quite a few share a common underlying root cause of  many issues.  One that I shared with them which is their feelings of , not feeling good enough, unworthiness, lack of...

It’s that time of year when we spend time reflecting on our life, what the year ahead may hold, what we would like to change or achieve in the future. Perhaps you have been struggling to make some changes to no avail? Are you at a...

Is something holding you back from achieving the success that you desire? Do you feel stuck in a rut? Although you want to live your life to its full potential nothing seems to change? The blocks to your success is your thinking, this is what...

Currently, 35 million people around the world are estimated to use electronic cigarettes 4.3 million in the UK. By this year, the sales of vaping products are projected to more than double to $40 billions as cigarette sales decline. ...

Would you like to stop smoking? You really don’t have to struggle again,(I am sure you have tried to stop before) for 28 days when all you need in 90 minutes to make that change from a smoker to a non smoker. It...

Lemon balm also known as Melissa is part of the mint family and has been used since ancient times when it was planted by the front door to drive away evil spirits.  In the middle ages it was used to prevent baldness. This amazing herb with...