28 Sep Hawthorn Berries, a delicious heart tonic
Now is the perfect time to pick the ripened berries from this common hedgerow favourite. This popular plant is well known as a superb heart and circulatory tonic that improves blood circulation and strengthens the heart. Why not try making a hawthorn berry syrup ideal for all problems associated with the heart. Reputed to help with palpitations, water retention, poor circulation, high or low blood pressure and angina. Hawthorn also has the ability to release blocked energy and to open the heart to giving and receiving love. Believed to calm the spirit and reduce anxiety, this can also be the go to herb for insomnia.
To make the Hawthorn berry syrup add 500g of berries to 500ml of water. Gently bring to the boil. Turn off the heat and mash the softened berries and leave overnight. Bring to the boil and gently simmer until its half the volume. When the mixture has cooled squeeze out the juice. If you weigh the juice and return to the saucepan with an equal quantity of sugar which will preserve the tonic. You can use honey instead but it will not keep as well. Bring to the boil and then pour into a sterilised bottle. Keep in the fridge and take a teaspoon daily.