
Have you tried to break a habit, whether it’s eating chocolate, drinking, recreational drugs and failed? Have you tried to stop smoking using patches, gum, willpower or vaping? Perhaps you have joined support groups, Facebook forums and found them disheartening when you hear of all the...

20 questions to help you find out if you are ready Do you feel like a social pariah? Are you smoking secretly? Do you feel like those little white sticks are controlling you? Fed up with wasting thousands of pounds a year poisoning yourself? The average smoker spends over...

We arrive in this world with only two fears, loud noises and falling. All other negative beliefs and fears are acquired, most before the age of 7 when our critical faculty starts to develop. We are like a sponge soaking up everything that we experience....

It may sound obvious – reduce your food intake, if you are overweight you need to reduce your calories. Cut out highly processed carbs, fast foods, soda drinks, pasta, white rice, white bread and sugar which cause rapid spikes in blood glucose and have...

Did you know that smokers are 4 times more likely to develop age-related macular degeneration (AMD) up to 10 years earlier than those that have never smoked? It’s also likely to progress faster and to be less responsive to treatment. Macular conditions cause over half...

I’m not just talking about financially, I have seen clients who have spent hundreds of thousands of pounds to meet their habit. Many of my clients are what you would consider to be recreational users, keeping their habit mainly to weekends or the occasional weekday. Some...

Now is the perfect time to pick the ripened berries from this common hedgerow favourite. This popular plant is well known as a superb heart and circulatory tonic that improves blood circulation and strengthens the heart.  Why not try making a hawthorn berry syrup ideal...

How to stop smoking safely and completely in one session with a guarantee and a bespoke recording. Why struggle when you don’t have to?  Why swap one toxic product for another? As more and more research is coming to light regarding the harm caused by vaping. With...

The Elder has been described as a whole medicine chest in one plant. The berries are ready now and can be harvested to make Elderberry Syrup which has been used as a remedy for over 400 years. The syrup is a tonic that is ideal...

Prevention is better that cure There are so many simple, easy and very effective ways of keeping your breasts healthy.  As more research becomes available we have gathered together some of these effective methods for you to try . Did you know that drinking five glasses of...